Duration: 6 mornings or afternoons (18 Hours)
Hours: 10 am - 13 pm / 15 pm - 18 pm
This course is for people over 14 years of age, who have no sailing experience.
The objectives of this course are based on teaching the basic techniques of sailing navigation.
Nautical Terminology
Preparation of a sailing vessel
Real Wind, Relative Wind and Apparent Wind
On board turning and wheel turning (Cambar)
Dynamic pitch adjustment
Navigation by fixed points
Wind direction navigation
Rules to avoid collisions at sea;
Man Overboard Maneuver
Stop and Start
Dock and Untie
Knots for mooring
Duration: 6 mornings or afternoons (18 Hours)
Hours: 10 am - 13 pm / 15 pm - 18 pm
This course is intended for students who intend to develop the basic techniques acquired in Initiation, seeking to improve their theoretical and technical knowledge.